
T&T Construction, Inc. is dedicated to preserving the environment and the well-being of its employees, and has made this our highest priority companywide. T&T’s safety programs are administrated by our company CEO, Robert W. Trulson which has been developed and improved upon over the years to provide for company growth and accommodate increased project complexity.

T&T Construction, Inc.’s upper management has worked rigorously on making safety an integral component of our company’s culture. We expect everyone within the organization to take responsibility for helping one another work in a safe manner. Our company provides whatever is needed to safely construct the project (training, tools and supplies); however, it is the responsibility of every individual to create and maintain a safe working area. In addition, personnel are held accountable and any violations of safety guidelines are addressed with appropriate consequences immediately.

The synopsis of these safety programs, are strictly enforced not only individually but collectively on all projects.

Written Safety Programs

T&T Construction, Inc. has written safety programs that describe in abundant detail the policies, procedures, and practices that will be utilized in complying with state/federal regulations and corporate initiatives. All employees are provided copies of and extensively trained on our safety measures at hire, along with reviews on an annual basis, and when there is demonstrated evidence that re-training is required. Our safety programs are designed as a dynamic and guiding company framework that captures regulatory requirements and translates those requirements into the ways in which we safely perform our work and train our team members.

Worksite Analysis

At the beginning of each new construction project, a review is conducted by the safety team, project managers, and field crews prior to initiating work. This review includes planning for environmental conditions and requirements (permits, notifications, etc.) along with a detailed hazard analysis for all elements of the job and tasks at hand. In addition, employees and supervisors conduct routine joint inspections where all deficiencies are addressed and corrected.

Hazard Prevention and Control

T&T Construction, Inc. ensures that hazard controls are fully in place and that all such controls are known and supported by the work force. T&T has established an emergency response plan for each project so that all employees know immediately how to respond as a result of effective planning, training, and drills. Our safety administrators and project managers help ensure that all job sites are fully equipped for emergencies and all personnel know how to use equipment and communicate during emergencies.


T&T Construction, Inc. is committed to high-quality employee hazard training. All new employees receive training on the safety programs and regular training updates are frequently provided to existing personnel. All T&T Construction crews, foremen, supervisors and management are certified in Confined Space Entry Procedures and Competent Person Training; all have taken and completed the 10-hour OSHA safety course. All project managers have received formal training in safety and health management responsibilities and assist in worksite hazard analysis, reinforcement of training, and enforcement of disciplinary actions.

T&T’s general approach to maintaining a safe and healthful jobsite will be performed by completing two primary functions:

1) Daily work safety planning: Each field crew holds daily work-site “Tailgate” or “Toolbox” safety meetings at the beginning of each shift and as needed throughout the shift when transitioning into unfamiliar task or tasks that are deemed by the crew to be unexpectedly risky. The daily section also requires listing of ‘Competent Persons’ for each required area such as Fall Protection and Excavation. We also prepare checklists for Confined Space Entry, required PPE and other special safety equipment.

All of our worksites contain a company phone list, contact phone numbers for local police and fire dispatch, as well as the location of nearest medical facility.

2) Safety Audits/Reviews: T&T conducts documented formal safety audits and assessments on a periodic basis, typically when members of the project management team visit job sites and interface with crews. This team discusses the findings with the crew immediately following the audit. These audits are documented in paper form and are stored centrally at our company’s headquarters.

Trenching Operations

Trench boxes or other shoring will be implemented when constructing road crossings or working in close proximity to existing structures requiring protection. All employees are extensively trained on proper trench shoring techniques and a competent person is assigned to each field crew performing these tasks. Trenches will be inspected for continuing stability and constantly monitored for compliance with all OSHA regulations. The T&T Construction Safety Plan specifically contains sections devoted to Trench Safety and Confined Space Entry Procedures.

Work Area

Tight work areas is another area of safety concern. This means excavation equipment, earthmoving equipment, trucks, and concrete mixers will all be required to share this work zone. Careful planning and coordination will be required throughout the duration of the projects to ensure that all who share this work zone will be safe.

Confined Space Entry

Another area of safety concern is confined space entry procedures. The Confined Space Entry section of the T&T Construction Safety Program includes an Entry Permit, a Hot Work Permit, a Confined Space Entry Checklist, and a Confined Space Checklist for Non-Permit Entry; our crews and management are trained for both permitted and non-permitted confined space entry. The Confined Space Entry Checklist contains allowable limits for Oxygen, Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbon Monoxide, and Combustible and Explosive gas levels. Any reading outside the given limits necessitates further ventilation and supervisor follow-up. We require that these procedures are discussed with all crew members at the beginning of the project and at any time a new confined entry is initiated. Confined space entry will be properly documented and SCBA equipment will be on site and available for these situations.

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